Contemporary American Cambodian

UNG, Chinary

Born in Takeo, Nov 24, 1942

  • Chinary Ung is an American composer of Cambodian descent. Ung was first exposed to Western classical music in his late teens, after which he pursued pursued the art form formally.
    • Ung was one of the first graduates of the Ecole de Musique, Phnom Penh and received a degree in clarinet performance.
  • In 1964, Ung emigrated to the U.S. He received a DMA with distinction from Columbia University (1974), where his principal composition teacher was Chou Wen-chung.
  • Regarding his music, Ung has described it in the following way: “If East is yellow, and West is blue, then my music is green.” His compositions blend Asian aesthetics with contemporary classical techniques.1

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Biography via the composer’s website
