20th Century American Belgian

ADLER, Hugo Chaim

Born in Antwerp, January 14, 1894 
Died in Worcester, MA, December 24, 1955 

  • Hugo Adler was a Jewish composer, choral conductor and cantor. He has composed several cantatas and full liturgical services.
  • Adler was cantor of the Haupt-Synagogue in Mannheim from 1922-1939, when he and his family emigrated to the USA. Afterward he became cantor and music director of Temple Emanuel in Worcester, Massachusetts.1
  • Adler was the father of composer Samuel Adler

Biography from the Jewish Music Research Centre 

Renaissance Belgian


Born near Namur, (present-day) Belgium, 1507
Died in France(?), Oct 14, 1568

  • Jacques Arcadelt [PRONUNCIATION] was a Franco-Flemish composer most famous for his madrigals. He is largely responsible for establishing the madrigal as a serious musical genre, and future generations of composers, such as Palestrina, would be significantly influenced by his music.2
  • While little is known about the composer’s upbringing, he may have grown up in France.
    • We do know that he spent much of his professional life in Italy. After spending a decade or so working in Florence, Arcadelt was hired as choirmaster for the chapel in Rome under Pope Paul III.
      • Fun fact – it was during Arcadelt’s time in Florence that he wrote the bulk of his madrigals.
    • Arcadelt returned to France around 1551, where he would stay until his death. During this time, he served under Cardinal de Lorraine and devoted most of his compositional efforts to chanson.
  • In his 200+ madrigals, Arcadelt set poetry by Petrarch, Sannazaro, Bembo, and Michelangelo, among others.3

Learn More:
Biography from Interlude


Romantic Belgian French


Born in Liège, Dec 10, 1822
Died in Paris, Nov 8, 1890

Franck was born in Belgium and spent most of his career in France.4

Biography from Naxos