Classical Romantic Austrian


Born in Vienna, 14 March 1804
Died in Vienna, 25 September 1849

  • Along with composer Joseph Lanner, Johann Strauss Sr. became one of the architect’s of the Viennese Waltz.
  • As a musician, Strauss was largely self-taught. At 13 years old, Strauss took an apprenticeship with a bookbinder and studied violin on the side.
    • As a young teen, Strauss joined Michael Pamer’s orchestra, known for performing light dance music. A few years later, Strauss left Pamer’s orchestra, and together with fellow musician, Joseph Lanner, they started their own ensemble (Lanner was responsible for directing the group).
    • By 1825, Strauss left Lanner’s orchestra to start his own… and the rest is history ;). Making a name for himself over the subsequent decades, Strauss received the prestigious title, “Imperial-Royal Director of Music for the Balls at Court,” from the Austrian Emperor in 1846.
  • Three of Strauss’s children–Johann Jr., Josef, and Eduard–carried on the family music tradition and continued to build on the family’s fame and legacy.1
Classical Romantic German

WEBER, Carl Maria von

Born in Eutin, c.Nov 18, 1786
Died in London, June 5, 18262

Short biography from Naxos Center