20th Century Spanish

TURINA, Joaquín

Born in Seville, Dec 9, 1882
Died in Madrid, Jan 14, 1949

  • Joaquín Turina was a Spanish composer and pianist who was a contemporary (and friend) of Manuel de Falla, who both followed in the footsteps of Albéniz and Granados regarding their substantial enrichment of Spanish classical music around the turn of the century.
    • *This isn’t to say that these four composers were alike musically, but rather all played an essential role in developing 20th-century Spanish music in their own unique way.
  • In 1905, Turina moved to Paris to study piano with Moritz Moszkowski and composition with Vincent d’Indy.
  • As a composer, Turina wrote across multiple genres, including orchestral music, chamber music, songs, piano pieces, and works for stage. His music is infused with his Andalusian roots, while his time spent in France also significantly colored his writing. Compared to his Spanish contemporaries, Turina was the most driven to write European music in the conventional major forms.
    • For example/ Fun fact – Turina was the only one of the four major 20th-century Spanish composers mentioned above to write a symphony (Sinfonía sevillana).1

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Biography from Hyperion Records


  1. Carlos Gómez Amat, “Turina (Pérez), Joaquín,” Grove Music Online (2001), accessed March 31, 2023,
