- Written in 2006, Stankovych’s second violin concerto is a single-movement, through-composed work for violin and orchestra.
- The composer offered the following biographical meaning behind the work:
“It so happened that several very near and dear people died. Such tragic events make one reflect on the meaning of existence and the short span of life in this world. This is what world music is about, the music of Palestrina, Bach, Mozart, Beethoven, Vedel, Berezovsky, Shostakovich, Britten and Liatoshynsky. In music, the drama of human life is condensed through tragic compositions. The world has always been like this: you have to fight to get what you really need. You have to fight for a good cause, because unfortunately evil is always there. Therefore, as long as we live, we must make every effort to fill this world with good things.”1
- Thorough listening guide to the music (scroll down)
- Lesia Olinyk, “YEVHEN STANKOVYCH: CONCERTO NO. 2 FOR VIOLIN AND SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA (2006),” Unknown Violin Concertos, accessed August 28, 2023, https://unbekannte-violinkonzerte.jimdofree.com/e-5/stankovych/.