Symphony No. 2 in a minor, Op. 55

Composer: SAINT-SAËNS, Camille
  • Though Saint-Saëns’ Symphony no. 2, Op. 55 is his second numbered symphony, he actually composed three symphonies before completing this one in 1859. In fact, if you include his uncompleted symphonies, op.55 is actually his 7th foray into symphony writing.1
  • Saint-Saëns dedicated this symphony to the conductor and Paris Conservatory professor Jules Pasdeloup. Pasdeloup conducted the premiere of this symphony, performed by an ensemble he founded, the Société des Jeunes Artistes. This symphonic society was founded specifically to perform the works of young composers.2
    • Pasdeloup would go on to found and direct the Concerts popularies in 1861. This was an organization in which he aimed to present high quality concert music performances at prices that were affordable for middle-class listeners.3


  1. Daniel M. Fallon, Sabina Teller Ratner, and James Harding, “Saint-Saëns, (Charles) Camille,” Grove Music Online (2001), accessed January 16, 2020,
  2.  Elisabeth Bernard, “Pasdeloup, Jules Etienne,” Grove Music Online (2001), accessed January 16, 2020,
  3. Gordon A. Anderson, Thomas B. Payne, Daniel Heartz, Richard Freedman, James R. Anthony, John Eby, Elisabeth Cook, Beverly Wilcox, Paul F. Rice, David Charlton, John Trevitt, Guy Gosselin, and Jann Pasler,”Paris,” Grove Music Online (2001), accessed January 16, 2020,

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