20th Century Spanish

RODRIGO, Joaquín

Born in Sagunto, Nov 22, 1901
Died in Madrid, July 6, 1999

  • In addition to being Spain’s most famous 20th C. composer, Rodrigo also:
    • was a music critic
    • worked in the music department of Spanish national radio
    • worked in the Spanish National Association for the Blind (Rodrigo lost his sight at age 3 due to diphtheria)
    • held the Manuel de Falla Chair of Music at Complutense University, Madrid12



  1. Raymond Calcraft, “Rodrigo (Vidre), Joaquín,” Grove Music Online (2001), accessed January 8, 2020,
  2. Enrique Martínez Miura, trans. Susannah Howe, liner notes to Rodrigo:  Concierto in Modo Galante / Concierto de Estio (Complete Orchestral Works, Vol. 3), Mikhail Ovrutsky, Asier Polo, Castile and Leon symphony Orchestra, Max Bragado Darman, Naxos 8.55840, CD, 2002.