20th Century Late Romantic Italian

RESPIGHI, Ottorino

Born in Bologna, July 9, 1879
Died in Rome, April 18, 1936

  • Respighi studied violin and viola at the Liceo Musicale, Bologna, as well as composition. He also had some composition lessons with Rimsky-Korsakov when he was employed as a violist in Russia.
  • Respighi was an enthusiastic transcriber of 17th and 18th C., the influence of which can be seen in his compositions.
  • For much of his career Respighi taught composition at the Liceo Musicale di S Cecilia in Rome.1

Short biography


  1. John C.G. Waterhouse, Janet Waterhouse, and Potito Pedarra, “Respighi, Ottorino,” Grove Music Online (2001), accessed February 13, 2020,