Ethiopia’s Shadow in America

Composer: PRICE, Florence
  • Price composed this orchestral tone poem in 1932.1
  • This work earned Price an Honorable Mention in the Rodman Wanamaker Competition. Her Symphony No. 1 in e minor won the competition in 1932.2
  • Price provided a program for this work, outlining a three-part structure:3

I – The Arrival of the Negro in America when first brought here as a slave. 

II – His Resignation and Faith.  

III – His Adaptation, A fusion of his native and acquired impulses.

Florence Price’s program for Ethiopia’s Shadow in Africa4


  1. Rae Kinda Brown, “Price [née Smith], Florence Bea(trice),” Grove Music Online (March 30, 2020), accessed June 8, 2021,
  2. Aaron Horne, Brass Music by Black Composers: A Bibliography (Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 1996), 216.
  3. Douglas W. Shadle, liner notes to Price: Symphony No. 3 / The Mississippi River / Ethiopia’s Shadow in America, ORF Vienna Radio Symphony Orchestra, John Jeter, Naxos 8.559897, CD, 2021.
  4. Ibid.

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