- This piece comes from Marias’ La gamme et autres morceaux de symphonie (1723) for violin, viol and harpsichord. Sonnerie is the third piece in the collection.1
- Listen for: the centerpiece of this work is not the violin (melody part) but the virtuosic part for the viol (Marais’ own instrument)2
- Listen for: the viol part imitating the sound of church bells.
- I think this is the church referred to. This ancient abbey church was associated with St. Genevieve, the patron saint of Paris, and was a center of learning in the Middle Ages. The church was torn down in 1744 by Louis XIV and a new church built above the crypt. During the French Revolution that building was secularized and became the Panthéon.
- “Sonnerie de Sainte Genevieve du Mont de Paris (Marias, Marin), IMSLP, accessed November 13, 2019, https://imslp.org/wiki/Sonnerie_de_Sainte_Genevieve_du_Mont_de_Paris_(Marais%2C_Marin).
- Mary Cyr, Style and Performance for Bowed String Instruments in French Baroque Music (Surrey, UK: Ashgate, 2012), 159.
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