- Written in 1984, Four Shakespeare Songs is a set of four choral settings of passages from Shakespeare’s plays:
- Come Away, Death (Twelfth Night; a lament of unhappy love)
- Lullaby (A Midsummer Night’s Dream; sung by fairies to their Queen)
- Double, Double Toil and Trouble (Macbeth; three witches chant the ingredients of a magic potion that they are brewing)
- Full Fathom Five (The Tempest; a comforting yet ghoulish description of how the body of a drowned man is transformed into treasures of the sea and how mermaids ring funeral bells for him)
- For the texts, Mäntyjärvi notes, “I was studying [Shakespeare’s plays] in depth at the time of writing this music, in connection with my intermediate-level university studies in English.”1
- Jaakko Mäntyjärvi, “Four Shakespeare Songs,” Music Finland (1999), accessed February 26, 2025, https://core.musicfinland.fi/works/four-shakespeare-songs.
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