Baroque French

LULLY, Jean-Baptiste

Born in Florence, Nov 28, 1632
Died in Paris, March 22, 1687

  • He was born Giovanni Battista Lulli in Florence, where he studied violin with a Franciscan friar. In 1646 he moved to Paris to tutor Louis XIV’s cousin Anne-Marie-Louise d’Orléans in Italian. He then studied both music and dance in France.
  • In 1653 Lully entered the service of Louis XIV, appointed compositeur de la musique instrumentale. He was “discovered” when he appeared as a dancer in the Ballet Royal de la Nuit, an extravagant 13-hour ballet which starred Louis XIV as Apollo, the Sun King.1
    • Fun fact: Lully was both a dancer and composer for the court of Louis XIV, and he was particularly favored for his talent at comic roles.
  • Lully spent the rest of his career working for the royal court. When Louis XIV ascended the throne in 1661, Lully became a naturalized French citizen.
  • Lully composed ballets, operas, and sacred music for the French court, as well as composing and producing operas for the public.
    • The magnificence of the court at Versailles led to artistic imitation all over Europe: Lully’s use of the French overture, or ouverture, led to a particularly popular trend in Baroque music meant to illustrate power or royalty (for example, the overture to Handel’s Messiah is a French overture). 2
  • Lully collaborated multiple times with Molière, including their comic ballet Le bourgeois gentilhomme(1670). The two were such a great team that they were known as the “deux Baptiste” (Molière’s birth name was Jean-Baptiste Poquelin).
  • Fun (Weird? Sad?) Fact:  Lully died in 1687 from a gangrenous foot wound. He had bashed his own foot three months earlier while conducting a performance of his Te Deum. Lully conducted by tapping a tall walking-stick type rod on the floor in time to the music.


  1. David Vickers, “Le Concert Royal de la Nuit,” Gramophone, accessed November 12, 2019,
  2. Christopher H. Gibbs, “Program Notes for Handel’s Messiah,” NPR (December 11, 2006), accessed November 12, 2019,
  3. Jérôme de La Gorce, “Lully, Jean-Baptiste (i),” Grove Music Online, accessed November 12, 2019,