Oboe Concerto

Composer: HIGDON, Jennifer
  • Higdon composed this work in 2005.1

This “Oboe Concerto” gives the instrument a chance to highlight its extraordinary lyrical gift. The beauty of the soaring line intrigued me as a starting point, and then the realization that the oboe makes a great partner for duets within an orchestral texture, sent me in the direction of creating interactions with other instruments in the supporting ensemble.  

This instrument’s playful quality in quick-moving passages set the tone for the faster sections. 

I have always thought of the oboe as being a most majestic instrument, and it was a pleasure to be able to create a work that would highlight its beauty and grace.  

“Oboe Concerto” was commissioned by the Minnesota Commissioning Club, and premiered by Kathy Greenbank and The St. Paul Chamber Orchestra in 2005.

Jennifer Higdon’s program notes for her Oboe Concerto2


  1. Christina L. Reitz, “Higdon, Jennifer,” Grove Music Online (February 6, 2012), accessed July 9, 2021, https://www.oxfordmusiconline.com/grovemusic/view/10.1093/gmo/9781561592630.001.0001/omo-9781561592630-e-1002219143
  2. Jennifer Higdon, program notes to Oboe Concerto, JenniferHigdon.com, accessed July 9, 2021, http://www.jenniferhigdon.com/pdf/program-notes/Oboe-Concerto-orch.pdf.  

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