The Silver Swan

Composer: GIBBONS, Orlando
  • The Silver Swan is a madrigal published in 1612 in Gibbons’s The First Set of Madrigals and Mottets of 5 Parts.1
  • The madrigal is a Renaissance-era “swan song,” with text written by an anonymous source:
    • The silver swan, who living had no note,
      When death approached, unlocked her silent throat;
      Leaning her breast against the reedy shore,
      Thus sung her first and last, and sung no more:
      “Farewell, all joys; Oh death, come close mine eyes;
      More geese than swans now live, more fools than wise.”
  • Listen for – the dissonance in the fifth line at the word “death” in an otherwise beautifully consonant setting.3


  1. “The Silver Swan (Gibbons, Orlando),” IMSLP, accessed October 16, 2024,
  2. “The Silver Swan,” Poetry Foundation, accessed October 16, 2024,
  3. Maureen Buja, “From Silence to Death: The Silver Swan,” Interlude (2022), accessed October 16, 2024,

Cut IDs

18749 15940