- “The Song to the Moon” is an aria for soprano, sung in Act I by Rusalka, the water-spirit who has fallen in love with a human prince. Because she cannot leave the water, Rusalka cannot tell the prince how she feels about him; she begs the moon to tell him.1
- Lyrics: “Měsíčku na nebi hlubokém”
O moon high up in the deep, deep sky,
Translation by Jules Brunelle, from the Aria Database
light sees far away regions,
You travel round the wide,
Wide world peering into human dwellings
O, moon, stand still for a moment,
Tell me, ah, tell me where is my lover!
Tell him. please, silvery moon in the sky,
I am hugging him firmly,
That he should for at least a while
Remember his dreams!
Light up his far away place,
Tell him, ah, tell him who is here waiting!
If he is dreaming about me,
May this remembrance waken him!
O moon, don’t disappear!
- Jan Smaczny, “Rusalka (iii),” Grove Music Online (2002), September 5, 2019, https://www.oxfordmusiconline.com/grovemusic/view/10.1093/gmo/9781561592630.001.0001/omo-9781561592630-e-5000904369.
Cut IDs
11740 13079 43408 44231 45617