Baroque Italian

CORELLI, Archangelo

Born in Fusignano, Feb 17, 1653
Died in Rome, Jan 8, 1713

[PRONUNCIATION / ark-AHN-jeh-loh co-REH-lee]

  • Corelli was an Italian violinist and composer whose published works exerted great influence on the development of Baroque instrumental genres in Italy and throughout Europe; for example, the development of the concerto grosso.
  • Corelli is the first classical composer who gained his fame exclusively from his instrumental compositions, rather than from composing vocal music, or being a famous performer.2

Short biography


  1. Michael Talbot, “Corelli, Arcangelo,” Grove Music Online (2001), accessed August 22, 2019,
  2. Michael Talbot, “Corelli, Arcangelo,” Grove Music Online (2001), accessed August 22, 2019,