Prince Igor: Chorus of the Peasants (string orchestra arr.)

Composer: BORODIN, Aleksandr

Main page for Prince Igor

  • Story: The village of Putivl has been destroyed by the Polovtsians. The villagers lament the fate of their home.
  • Borodin’s music is a stylized version of a traditional Russian folk style, heterophonic polyphony.1
    • Heterophonic polyphony is a texture resulting from two simultaneous versions of the same melody:2 for example, a sung melody accompanied by the same melody, ornamented, on an instrument. This style is common in Slavic, Middle Eastern and Asian musics.3


  1. Richard Taruskin, “Prince Igor,” Grove Music Online (2001), accessed August 5, 2019,
  2. Harvard Dictionary of Music, 4th ed., s.v. “Heterophony” (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 2003).
  3. “Heterophony,” Encyclopedia Brittanica (April 28, 2017), accessed August 5, 2019,

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