Chicago: Grande valse à l’Américaine

Composer: DÉDÉ, Edmond
  • Dédé composed this waltz for piano around 1891, orchestrated it in 1891,1 and published this waltz in 1892.2
  • Dédé dedicated this piece to “his cousin, Samuel A. Armstrong Esq. of New Orleans, Louisiana.”3
  • Check out the cover of this piece’s first edition: it has a drawing of Columbia (symbolizing the United States) surrounded by landmarks from around the world (including the Eiffel Tower, linking the composer’s homeland with his adopted home). 


  1. Richard Rosenberg, liner notes to Dede: Mon pauvre coeur / Francoise et Tirtillard / Mefisto masque, Hot Springs Music Festival Symphony Orchestra, Rosenberg, Naxos 8.559038, CD, 2000.
  2. Edmond Dédé, Chicago: Grande Valse à l’Américaine (Paris: Fremont, 1892).
  3. Ibid.

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